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作者:wdly   时间:2019-12-24

 Ho Ho Ho! Santa and Mrs Claus are here! Suzhou Victoria celebrated the festive season with lots of fun this year.


Christmas Cookie Day! 


 Teacher Mary and Teacher Kayleigh visited each classroom with a special cookie story where Mommy Bear and Baby bear make yummy colourful cookies. The children then made their own delicious cookies together!


Festive Art! 


Teacher David and Teacher Sam helped the children make beautiful snow trees and Christmas trees. A magical mix of glue and glitter combines with creativity and thinking skills, the children made beautiful creations!


Picture Perfect!


 Teacher Sarah and Teacher Holly helped the children snap a perfect picture as a memory of the day. Some children made special requests for face paints!


Jingle Bell Sing-along! 


Teacher Rob added to the festive fun with his Christmas songs in the library! The children sang Santa Claus is Coming to Town and Jingle Bells to get in to the spirit of this wonderful winter holiday.


Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow!


 There is no snow in Suzhou, but it was snowing with Teacher Abner, Teacher Logan and Teacher Richard as a snowball fight started in our multifunction room!


Happy Holidays from everyone at Suzhou Victoria!
