作为国际文凭世界学校(IB World School),我们实施小学项目IB PYP课程。在IB PYP项目中,幼儿需要通过真实的学习来到达最佳的效果,即开展超学科主题,与“现实”世界相关联。
As an authorized IB World school, offering the Primary Years Program (IB PYP), our program supports the child's journey to gain understanding of the world and become a life-long learner.
Effective learning comes from inquiry
IB PYP项目的特色在于每个学生都能以适合其发展的方式参与学习。此模式的课程,幼儿为主导,老师负责引导和促进他们建构知识。在学习过程中,老师鼓励幼儿提问,然后搜集资料加以分析、整理,最后作汇报。“每一个孩子都将成为十大培养目标的终身学习者。”
The IB Primary Years Program focuses on helping every child find their own unique way
to explore our transdisciplinary studies. The IB model is student-led; the teachers play the role of facilitators, helping the children construct knowledge through their own inquiries. Through this process, the children continually ask questions and then collect, analyze, organize, and report on the information they have found in a collaborative classroom environment.